(432) 315-2136


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Ineffective Outreach Delivers Frustration. Effective Outreach Delivers Results

Frequently Asked Questions

Are There Any Other Fees?

Only for text messages and emails if you use these features in the software. Text messages in the software are about a penny per text message and less than a penny for an email. We credit you a large number of texts and emails each months which is often enough to cover the entire cost of your text and email use.

What Outreach Strategies Do You Teach?

There are multiple outreach and engagement strategies we teach. One strategy is our "Prayer Request" which encourages people to connect with you by submitting a prayer request for your church to pray for them.

How many contacts can I have in my account?

Unlimited. Jaabsha Church Outreach allows you to generate and import as many contacts as you want.

What if I'm not tech savvy?

No worries! Jaabsha Church Outreach is incredibly easy to use. We've pre-built everything you need and have step-by-step video instructions on how to make the necessary minor customizations.

How will Jaabsha Church Outreach help my church attract new visitors?

We give you all the tools you need to attract and engage with potential new visitors and have them wanting to visit and become a member of your church congregation. Everything from long-term automated follow-up, to prayer request funnels. We've done all the heavy lifting for you.

What if I get stuck on something?

Jaabsha Church Outreach provides amazing support. You have three main ways to get help: the Facebook group, email, and live chat during business hours.

Jaabsha Church Outreach Results:

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— Client's Name

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse nisl mauris, mattis a pulvinar vitae, blandit in nisi. Quisque ultrices dui ac erat efficitur consequat. Duis molestie nibh id nisl scelerisque, in tincidunt erat feugiat. Sed mattis euismod metus sit amet elementum. Morbi eu sem vel nunc venenatis semper."

— Client's Name

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